Tali Gil

''This creation is ours'': Personal Expression and Group Empowerment in a collective artwork activity.
Thesis for MA. Degree, University of Haifa. Israel' 2009 (with distinction).

Time Inside the Walls: Video Art in Prison Following Eti Chen-Breier's Film.
Devarim , Oranim, Israel. 2011.

Poetry Route at the Botanical Garden In m. Yitzhaki, Ed, Poetry for the garden. Published by Oranim College. 2009. pp. 5-6.

Think Tank: Artivism and its' place in general educational practice and especially in Art education.
8 July 2014. Mofet Institute Quarterly Journal (53). 168-172.

Doctoral Research (2019)
Art as a symbolic space in a detention center: A case study of art classes under the guidance of students in a detention center
Instructed by Prof' Ephrat Huss and Prof' Tzvia Walden, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

"As a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis": Art students teach in a detention center. With Prof' Mira Karnieli. 2016. Dapim, Mofet Institute Quarterly Journal (63). pp 166 - 189.
Abstract (English)

תרומתו של הקורס 'אמנות בקהילה בבית המעצר'
להתפתחותם האישית והמקצועית של סטודנטים שנטלו בו חלק
2018. בטאון מכון מופ''ת
בימת דיון: מעורבות חברתית-קהילתית בתכניות ההכשרה להוראה. עמ' 50 - 56.
The contribution of the course 'Art in the Community at the Detention Center'' for the personal and professional development of students who took part in it.
2018. Mofet Institute Quarterly Journal (61).
Social and community involvement in teacher training programs. pp 50 - 56.

Meaningful Learning through Art: Nature Photography, Haiku Writing, Mobile Technologies and Social Media as a Path to Oneself.
International Journal of Art & Design Education
. Volume 37, Issue 3 August 2018.