Tali Gil
CV - Tali Gil
Address: p o box 136, Ein Hod, 30890, Israel.
Mobile: +97250-5966006,
E-mail: taligil5@gmail.com. Web site: http://taligil5.wix.com/mysite
Since 2015 PhD candidate in the Arts in Social Work program at Ben-Gurion University, Israel.
Dissertation title: “Art as a symbolic space in a detention center: A case study of art classes under the guidance of students in a detention center''.
2009 – 2006 MA in Education, Society and Culture, University of Haifa, Israel (with distinction).
Dissertation title: ''This creation is ours'': Personal Expression and Group Empowerment in a collective artwork activity''.
2003 – 2002 Culture Builds Community an interdisciplinary program for community leaders, Oranim Academic Collage, Israel..
1992 – 1989 HMC Wood & Furniture college, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Wood & Furniture Department.
1987 – 1983 HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Israel – Design Department. BSc. Te. Degree and
Teaching Certificate. .
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2016 The Seeds Archive, Kunstpunkte, Dusseldorf.
2016 Elsewhere, Onomato, Dusseldorf.
2015 Salty Element, Ein Hod Gallery, Ein Hod.
2014 How It Will Come Ashore? Tova Osman Gallery, Tel Aviv.
2002 tali_shlomi, The Peace Gallery, Giv'at Haviva. With Shlomi Schwartzberg.
2001 Tali&shlomi, Simgallery, Megadim. With Shlomi Schwartzberg.
2000 Her Hands Fruit, Periscope gallery, Tel Aviv.
1999 I've Opened My Eyes, Ein Hod Gallery, Ein Hod.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Hatching: Project no.1, Eko, Compound for Events and Culture, Hadera.
2016 Artists at the Café, Haifa first Art Fair. Haifa.
2015 Chairs Games, The gallery of Wizo Academic Center, Haifa.
2015 Elections, Ein Hod Gallery, Ein Hod.
2010 Ze – Israel 3, Ze-Ze-Ze, Architecture Gallery, Tel Aviv.
2009 Secrets, Ein Hod Gallery, Ein Hod.
2004 Hiria in The museum, A competition. Cooperation with the Braudo-Maoz Landscape Architecture. Tel Aviv Museum (catalog).
2003 Assimilation Processes In The Soil, A Dynamic Sculpture Garden, Janco Dada Museum, Ein
2003 Traces of the Shore, The National Maritime Museum, Haifa (catalog).
2002 A Message in A Bottle, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Arad & Ashdod Museums.
2002 Art On the Line, Haifa City Museum (catalog).
1998 The Holiday of Holidays, Wadi Nisnas, Haifa.
1996 Furniture 96, Tel Aviv Furniture Design Fair, Tel Aviv.
1995 Objects, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Museum of Arad, Ashdod Museum.
1995 Furniture 95, Tel Aviv furniture design fair, Tel Aviv.
1992 De Amsterdamse School, Gallery AF, Amsterdam.
1991 De Tweede Gebruik, Gallery KIS, Amsterdam.
2016 - 2014 Initiator and coordinator of the Think Tank: 'Artivism' - art and activism, at the Mofet Institute, Tel
Since 2013 Member of the scholarships commission to immigrant artists from the Ministry of Immigrant
2012 The Dimensions Courtyard, an outdoor learning courtyard project, designed to experience
mathematical thinking, Zurim School Rosh Ha'yin, Israel, Commissioned by the Ministry of
2012 The Biomimicry Path, Designer and producer of the Botanical Garden in Oranim Academic
College for Education, in collaboration with Dr. Michel Gross and Biomimicry Organization,
2010 The House of Secrets for one century of settlement in the Yezreel Valley. Design and
production in collaboration with Dan Chamizer.
2007 The Academic Riddle Design project for the Braude College in Karmiel in collaboration with
Dan Chamiter and Shlomi Schwartzberg.
2006 - 2007 The Promenade Community art project facilitation for the community of Bar'am.
2006 Shefeya Quarry Rehabilitation competition In cooperation with Greenstein Har-Gil Landscape
2001 As the Wind Blows Multidisciplinary environmental design project, Ben Zvi School, Shlomi. In cooperation with Shlomi Schwarzberg. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education.
1995 Furnuture design project for 'Sefen' Formica Company.
1993 Furniture design project for the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Since 1989 Accessories design and Making in limited editions.
1991 - 1989 Set design for Fijn Hout Theater, Amsterdam, in collaboration with Shlomi Schwartzberg.
Educational and Curatorial Projects
2019 Initiator and joint curator with Anat Gatenio of the exhibition Shlomi Schwarzberg: Closing Paths.
Janco-Dada Museum, Ein Hod. Israel.
2016 Active school exhibition: arts other disciplines integration. Teachers' training mderator for at the
Hatomer school, Acre, in cooperation with Shir Yamaguchi.
2014 Art in community project, at a hospital in Savona, Italy. Guidance of a student delegation.
2013 Initiator of The three year spiral portfolio process in art teaching at the Art Institute.
2014 - 2012 Curator of The Space for Involved Art, Oranim Academic College for Education.
Since 2011 Lecture for curriculum planning and didactics course in art education.
2010 Guidance of students creating films with the prisoners for the film festival ''Here/Can'' - Student
and inmates making films together at the Israeli Prison Service.
Since 2009 Lecturer in Community Arts courses.
2009 Poetry route at the Botanical Garden of Oranim co-initiator, designer, and producer of the route.
Collaboration with the Department of Literature and the Head of the Botanical Garden. In
addition: Production of the catalog documenting all of the poems and the designed spots along
the route.
2008 Curator of the exibition Green Lens - Photography and Environmental Issues, Oranim College.
2007 Facilitation of interns teaching art at a boarding school for youth at risk ''Manof '', Acre.
2007 - 2005 Coordinator of volunteer projects for outstanding students program at Oranim Academic
2004 The State of Junk environmental education project in collaboration with Dan Chamizer.
2004 Curator and designer of the Oranim Art Institute Graduates Exhibition (with Dr. Yael
2003 Curator and designer of the Oranim Art Institute Graduates Exhibition (with Idit Levavi
Publications & Writings
2020 Exploring the concept of social art through a single session art activity with asylum seekers.
Gil-Schwartzberg, T, Huss, E. & Slonim-Nevo. V. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 72 . https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1c7SOivMu6s3Z
2019 Art as a symbolic space in a detention center: A case study of art classes under the guidance of students in a detention center. PhD thesis in the Arts in Social Work program, In the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty Social Work at Ben-Gurion University, Israel. Under the supervision of prof. Ephrat Huss and Prof. Tsvia Walden
2018 "As a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis": Art students teach in a detention center.
With Prof' Mira Karnieli. Tal Aviv: Dapim Publication.
2018 The contribution of the course 'Art in the Community at the Detention Center'' for the personal and professional development of students who took part in it. In: Social and
community involvement in teacher training programs. Mofet Institute Journal (61).
pp 50 - 56.
2018 Meaningful Learning through Art: Nature Photography, Haiku writing, Mobile Technologies
and Social Media as a Path to Oneself. International Journal of Art & Design Education.
Volume 37, Issue 3 August 2018.
2016 Approved Doctoral research proposal in the subject of: ''Art as a symbolic space in a detention
center: A case study of art classes under the guidance of students in a detention center''.
2014 Think Tank activism and its place in educational practice in general and in art education in
particular, Mofet Institute Journal.
2013 Students and detainees create art in detention accompanying study for the course '' Art
community in detention from the aspect of teaching art". A Research Report, Mofet Institute.
2011 Time Inside the Walls, in Dvarim, Oranim College Publishing.
2009 ''This creation is ours'': Personal Expression and Group Empowerment in a collective artwork
activity. Thesis for MA. Degree, University of Haifa.
2009 Poetry Path at the Botanical Garden . In M. Yitzhaki, Ed, Poetry for the garden.
Published by Oranim College.
Academic Teaching
2018 Instructs a course of certification for experienced art teachers to the role of mentoring interns in the art professions
2015 Didactics of Art Teaching for Art Instructors program, Oranim College.
Since 2012 Art teaching practicum course in the Daliot school, Yokneam.
Since 2011 Didactics of teaching Education, Oranim College.
Since 2009 Facilitator of the course Art in Prison.
2009 - 2011 Facilitator of the course teaching Art in the community of the Ramat Hadasa boarding school.
2007 Facilitation of interns teaching art at a boarding school for youth at risk ''Manof''.
2005 - 2008 Facilitator of the course teaching Art in the in Newe Yosef community.
2003 - 2005 Facilitator of the course teaching Art in the in Tivon community.
2000 - 2002 Lecturer for interior design and furniture design at the Ascola school, Tel Aviv.
Since 1996 Pedagogical instructor for the Arts at Oranim College of.
1994 – 2000 Design lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technion, Haifa.
Since 1993 lectures on three-dimensional design, environmental design and art in community at the Art
Institute of Oranim College.
1993 – 1994 Lectures for furniture design at HIT Holon.
Academic Conferences
2019 Free Your Mind: Asylum seekers creating art in academia. The arts in society conference,
Lisbon, Portugal
2019 Art as a Symbolic Space Conference of the Department of Social Work, Ben Gurion University
2018 Free Your Mind Refugees create art in academia. With Prof. Vered Slonim-Nevo and Prof. Efrat
Huss. Conference of the Department of Social Work at Ben Gurion University.
2018 Nature photography and haiku writing combined with mobile technologies and social media.
Lecture and workshop as part of the 8th Conference of Caesarea Medical Education
Department of creativity in teaching of family medicine at the Technion.
2017 The choice of escape, at the annual conference for research, theory and arts at Oranim
College. (Conference Book).
2017 "Art - Anyone Can Do It", workshop and lecture at the seminar "Challenges vs.
Opportunities": Teaching Art in Special Education. The Ministry of Education, the Arts
and Special Education Division, and Oranim College.
2017 Art as a Symbolic Space at the Detention Center. The National Doctoral Conference, Ben- Gurion University of the Negev (poster).
2015 Nature photography and haiku writing combined with mobile technologies and social media.
Lecture and workshop as part of the 5th Conference of Caesarea Medical Education
Department of creativity in teaching of family medicine at the Technion.
2015 Nature photography and haiku writing combined with mobile technologies and social media
conference Meital - new technologies and ways of evaluating teaching and learning online at
the Technion in Haifa, in collaboration with Dr. Hagit orthodontist tel. (Conference Book).
2015 Nature photography and haiku writing combined with mobile technologies and social media
The annual Conference for Study Research and creation, Oranim Collage. (Conference Book). .
2015 Cross-cultural encounters between students and detainees as part of art classes at the
conference: "Not In My Back Yard '', “Inter cultural- Inclusion in Educational System and in
Society. A joint conference at Oranim, Beit Berl College and Long Island. (Conference Book).
2014 The Power of Art: Art students teaching prison inmates. Arts in the Society conference, Rome,
Italy. (Conference Book).
2013 Initiator and participator in the symposium, Postcards Talk at the exhibition Talking Postcards, at the Space for Involved Art. (Initiative of the exhibition Art space, exhibition and the
2013 The power of art - art students teaching detainees. The Sixth International Conference on
Teacher Education: Education changes the reality, David Yellin College and Institute Mofet,
Jerusalem. (Conference Book).
2012 The Inner Place: Art - a place for yourself in prison, in the symposium co An Closed Space –
An Inner Space: students and inmates creating video art in prison''. At the Space for Involved
Art. (Initiator of the Space, and the curator of the exhibition ''About a Space and Other
2012 Panel's facilitator: How we see, how others see us, at the exhibition Ripple Effects. At the
Space for Involved Art (space initiative, curator of the exhibition and symposium organizer).
2010 Sense of place in the conference ''man and environment'' of the Youth Village of the Jewish
Agency and the Rural Education Administration at the Ministry of Education. At Manof boarding school.
2010 Community Art - students and detainees create art in a Detention Center, the annual conference of research at Oranim College (Conference Book).
2010 Poetry for the botanical garden, the annual conference of research at Oranim College \ (Conference Book).
2008 Community Art as a learning-teaching model at the symposium on probation - art and
education at the Arts Institute of Oranim College.
2008 Art in the Community at the annual conference of research at Oranim College with
collaboration Dr. Shosh for (Conference Book).
2006 Community art projects at Neve Yosef, the annual conference of research at Oranim College
(Conference Book).